
The London Dojo Kyokushin syllabus provides a clear pathway for students to learn and improve. Grading examinations are held in June and December.

Qualification to grade is based on:

  1. Time at current level (minimum of 3-6 months from 10th to 5th Kyu, 6 months 5th to 3rd Kyu and 1-2 years on 2nd and 1st Kyu.)

  2. Authorisation from sensei.

  3. A minimum of 80% attendance from the previous grading.

  4. Competence in all aspects of the syllabus for the level required.

  5. Completion of a written test with 100% score.

Students must submit their application form, license book and grading fee before the grading date to be eligible.

The Kyokushin syllabus includes:

  • Jyunan

  • Kihon

  • Hokyo

  • Ido

  • Kata

  • Yakusoku Kumite

  • Kumite

Grading Requirements

  • White Belt
    Kata: none
    Kumite: 1
    Stretching: head to the floor
    Press Ups: 30
    Handstand: 60"

  • 10th Kyu
    Kata: Taikyoku Sono 1-2, Sokugi Taikyoku Sono 1
    Kumite: 1
    Stretching: shoulders to the floor
    Press Ups: 30
    Handstand: 60"

  • 9th Kyu
    Kata: Taikyoku Sono 3, Sokugi Taikyoku Sono 2-3
    Kumite: 2
    Stretching: shoulders to the floor
    Press ups: 30
    Handstand: 60”

  • 8th Kyu
    Kata: Pinan Sono 1-2, Taikyoku Sono 1 Ura
    Kumite: 2
    Stretching: shoulders to the floor
    Press ups: 50
    Handstand: 60”

  • 7th Kyu
    Kata: Pinan Sono 3-4, Taikyoku Sono 2 Ura
    Kumite: 2
    Stretching: shoulders to the floor
    Press ups: 50
    Handstand: 60”

  • 6th Kyu
    Kata: Pinan Sono 5, Sanchin, Taikyoku Sono 3 Ura
    Kumite: 3
    Stretching: chest to the floor
    Press ups: 50
    Handstand: 60”

  • 5th Kyu
    Kata: Jyuji No Kata, Jyu No Kata Sono 1 - 2, Pinan Sono 1 Ura
    Kumite: 3
    Stretching: chest to the floor
    Press ups: 50
    Handstand: 60”

  • 4th Kyu
    Kata: Yantsu, Tsuki No Kata, Pinan Sono 2 Ura
    Kumite: 5
    Stretching: chest to the floor
    Press ups: 70
    Handstand: 60”

  • 3th Kyu
    Kata: Pinan Sono 3 Ura, Tekki Sono 1, Bassai Dai
    Kumite: 5
    Stretching: chest to the floor
    Press ups: 70
    Handstand: 60”

  • 2nd Kyu
    Kata: Gekisai Dai, Tensho, Pinan Sono 4 Ura
    Kumite: 10
    Stretching: stomach to the floor
    Press ups: 100
    Handstand: 60”

  • 1st Kyu
    Kata: Gekisai Sho, Saifa, Pinan Sono 5 Ura
    Kumite: 10
    Stretching: stomach to the floor
    Press ups: 100
    Handstand: 60”

  • Sho Dan
    Kata: Seienchin, Garyu
    Kumite: 20
    Stretching: stomach to the floor
    Press ups: 100
    Handstand: 60”

  • Ni Dan
    Kata: Seipai
    Kumite: 30
    Stretching: stomach to the floor
    Press ups: 100
    Handstand: 60”

  • San Dan
    Kata: Kanku
    Kumite: 40
    Stretching: stomach to the floor
    Press ups: 100
    Handstand: 60”

Counting in Japanese

1 - Ichi
2 - Ni
3 - San
4 - Shi
5 - Go
6 - Roku
7 - Shichi
8 - Hachi
9 - Kyu
10 - Jyu

Counting during Kihon

Sensie will lead the class by counting six demonstration techniques to allow students to check their form. If instructed to lead the count students must:

  1. Shout 'Osu! Kia irete!'

  2. Wait for the class to respond - 'Osu!'

  3. Begin the count - 'ichi, ni, …' leaving time between counts for the class to perform their technique.

The numbers of the count represent an attack. As such everyone should respond with their technique between the count - not on the count.

Written Test

Below are the questions you can expect at the written test.

The written test begins at 9:15 and ends at 9:45 at the grading venue. Students are required to pass the written test with a score of 100% to enable them to participate in the skill test.


The Meaning of Osu
Patience, Respect and Appreciation.

Kyokushin Philosophy
Keep your head low (modesty), eyes high (ambition), mouth shut (serenity); base yourself on filial piety and benefit others.

Kyokushin Spirit
There can be no proof without real fighting. Without proof there is no trust. Without trust there is no respect.

Name of Sosai
Masutatsu Oyama

Dojo Kun (Dojo Oath)

  1. Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Shinshinwo-Renmashi Kakkofubatsuno-Shingiwo-Kiwamerukoto

  2. Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Bunoshinzuiwo-Kiwame Kinihasshi-Kannibinnarukoto

  3. Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Shitsujitsugoukenwomotte Jikonoseishinwo-Kanyousurukoto

  4. Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Reisetsuwo-Omonji Choujyouwokeishi-Sobounofurumaiwo- Tsutsushimukoto

  5. Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Shinbutsuwo-Toutobi Kenjyounobitokuwo-Wasurezarukoto

  6. Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Chiseitotairyokutowo-Koujyousase Kotonioyonnde- Ayamatazarukoto

  7. Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Syougainosyugyouwo-Karatenomichinitsuuji Kyokushinnomichiwo-mattousurukoto

10th Kyu: line 1, 10th - 9th Kyu: lines 1 - 2, 9th - 8th Kyu: lines 1 - 3, 8th - 7th Kyu: lines 1 - 4, 7th - 6th Kyu: lines 1 - 5, 6th - 5th Kyu: lines 1 - 6th, 5th - 4th Kyu and 4th - 3rd Kyu: lines 1 -7

All London Dojo policies and procedures are available to view on request.

Sensei Tohyama - London Dojo - Kyokushin Karate

Shuji Tohyama
San Dan
Dojo Operator

Learn the Dojo Kun

Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Shinshinwo-Renmashi Kakkofubatsuno-Shingiwo- Kiwamerukoto.

Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Bunoshinzuiwo-Kiwame Kinihasshi-Kannibinnarukoto.

Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Shitsujitsugoukenwomotte Jikonoseishinwo-Kanyousurukoto.

Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Reisetsuwo-Omonji Choujyouwokeishi-Sobounofurumaiwo- Tsutsushimukoto.

Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Shinbutsuwo-Toutobi Kenjyounobitokuwo-Wasurezarukoto.

Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Chiseitotairyokutowo-Koujyousase Kotonioyonnde-Ayamatazarukoto.

Hitotsu-Warewarewa, Syougainosyugyouwo- Karatenomichinitsuuji Kyokushinnomichiwo-mattousurukoto.

Strength Training - Karate - London Dojo
Child practicing kumite - London Dojo - Kyokushin Karate


白帯からオレンジ帯10級は(  )埋めでの出題。


  1. 一、吾々は心身を錬磨し、確固不抜の心技を極めること。

  2. 一、吾々は武の神髄を極め、機に発し感に敏なること。

  3. 一、吾々は質実剛健を以て、克己の精神を涵養すること。

  4. 一、吾々は礼節を重んじ長上を敬し、粗暴の振る舞いを慎むこと。

  5. 一、吾々は神仏を尊び、謙譲の美徳を忘れざること。

  6. 一、吾々は智性と体力とを向上させ、事に臨んで過たざること。

  7. 一、吾々は生涯の修業を空手の道に通じ、極真の道を全うすること。








The Kyokushin Karate Dojo Kun was written by Sosai Mas Oyama with the aid of Eiji Yoshikawa, author of the novel " Miyamoto Musashi", and is recited at the end of evey training session. Lined up in belt order and seated in seiza, students repeat each line as it is spoken by a senior member of the dojo.

“One must try, everyday, to expand one's limits.”

— Mas Oyama