
Before entering the dojo everyone must remove their shoes and arrange them neatly outside of the dojo's entrance. Next, students must place anything they are carrying in their hands on the floor and bow whilst saying 'Osu!' two times. To bow correctly from a standing position:

  1. Stand in shizentai (standing position).

  2. Bring the fists to the opposite ears.

  3. Drop the fists downwards across the body until the fists are parallel to the floor.

  4. Extend the spine and bow the head 30 to 40 degrees.

  5. Do not bow so deeply that you cannot see your opponent.

  6. Return to the original position.

Kyokushin Karate training begins the moment a student enters the dojo. Once inside the dojo students must approach all senior grades in belt order and say Osu!

Students must always focus on keeping their backs straight, fists above belt height and must always answer the sensei or senpai with Osu!

When training with a partner, students must say Osu! Onegaishimasu before beginning their practice and then Osu! Arigato Gozaimashita after finishing.

Seiretsu - London Dojo - Kyokushin Karate

Opening Ceremony

When the class begins the command seiretsu (line up) will be given. On hearing this students must line up as quickly as possible with the highest grades at the right hand side of the front row and students arranging themselves in order of belt rank. Walking is not allowed in the dojo. Students should always run. When given the command seiza, eveyone must sit in seiza and wait for the command to bow. To bow correctly from seiza (sitting position):

  1. From shezentai withdraw the left leg and kneel.

  2. Bring the right leg back and drop the hips placing the fist at the top of the thighs. The knees should be two to three widths of the fists apart.

  3. Extend the spine forward, relax the shoulders and place the fists one fist's distance infront of the knees. Do not drop the head too low.

  4. Return to seiza.

  5. When standing from seiza begin with the right leg.

During the opening ceremony students will be given a series of commands:

Command Translation
Seiretsu line up
Seiza sit
Shisei wo tadashite back straight
Shinzen ni rei bow to the front
Mokuso begin meditation
Mokuso yame end meditation
Shihan ni rei bow to the shihan
Honjitsu no keiko wo hajimemasu let's begin today's class
Sensei, senpai, otagaini onegaishimasu teacher, senior grades, fellow students please
Tattekudasai stand up
Gedan Barai - Kyokushin Karate - London Dojo

Closing Ceremony

At the end of the class the following commands will be given:

Command Translation
Seiretsu line up
Seiza sit
Shisei wo tadashite back straight
Shinzen ni rei bow to the front
Dojokun recite Dojo Kun
Mokuso begin meditation
Mokuso yame end meditation
Shihan ni rei bow to the shihan
Honjitsu no keiko wo owarimasu let's finish today's class
Sensei, Senpai, otagaini arigatougozaimasita teacher, senior grades, fellow students thank you very much

During the closing ceremony, you may be asked to sit crossed legged. When this is the case keep your back straight and place your fists at the top of your thighs while listening to your sensei or senpai.

At the end of the training session students move to the front of the dojo in rank order. Standing in front of the sensei everyone must bow whilst saying ' Osu! arigatou gozaimashita' and then stand next to their predecesor to form a line. By doing this everyone has the opportunity to show their respect to their fellow students and have the opportunity to say thank you for being able to train with them.

Students should address members holding Shodan and Nidan grades as Senpai. Likewise, those holding Sandan and Yondan grades should be addressed as Sensei. The title Shihan is reserved for those with the grade of Godan and above.

Additional Commands

During training the following additional commands will be given:

Command Translation
Teashi wo futte kudasai Shake out your arms and legs
Karuku jump shite kudasai Jump on the spot to relax
Fukusou retsu wo totonoete kudasai Turn to the right and straighten your gi and line

Kata Commands

When preparing to perfom Kata studuent are required to observe the following sequence:

With count

  1. Stand in fudo-dachi

  2. The instructor names the Kata to be performed and gives the command ‘Yoi’

  3. Students cross their arms in front of them (jyuji)

  4. Instructor begins the count - 'Ichi'

  5. Students perform each move in sequence individually upon hearing its relevant number called out

  6. Students hold the last technique until the command ‘yame’ is given

  7. Instructor gives the command ‘yame’

  8. Students return to their starting position whilst looking in the direction of the final technique and then cross their arms in front of them (jyuji) coming to stand in fudo-dachi. Students are required to hold this position until the instructor gives the command ‘yasume’ (relax)


  1. Stand in fudo-dachi

  2. The instructor names the Kata to be performed followed by the command 'Mugorei' (without count) and then ‘Yoi’

  3. Students cross their arms in front of them (jyuji)

  4. Instructor gives the command 'hajime' (begin)

  5. Students perform the kata in their own time

  6. Students hold the last technique until the command ‘yame’ is given

  7. Instructor gives the command ‘yame’

  8. Students return to their starting position whilst looking in the direction of the final technique and then cross their arms in front of them (jyuji) coming to stand in fudo-dachi. Students are required to hold this position until the instructor gives the command ‘yasume’ (relax)

Note: katas above Pinan Sono 5 begin in musubi datchi with mokuso. 

Paired Training

When participating in paired training for bag work, Yakusoku Kumite or Kumite students are required to listen and respond to the following commands:

  1. Stand in fudo-dachi (face to partner)

  2. Instructor says 'Otagaini Onegaishimasu' (please)

  3. Students say 'Osu! Onegaishimasu' with Jyuji (cross the arms in front)

  4. Instructor says 'Kumiteno Kamae, Yoi' (fighting stance, ready)

  5. Students cross the arms in front (jyuji).

  6. Instructor says 'Kamaete'

  7. Students make fighting stance with big Kiai!

  8. Instructor says 'Hajime'

  9. Students begin

  10. Instructor says 'Yame'

  11. Students stop training and make fudo-dachi

  12. Instructor says 'Otagaini Arigato Gozaimashita'

  13. Students say 'Osu! Arigato gozaimashita' (thank you very much) with Jyuji (cross the arms in front)

Eleven Mottos

  1. The Martial Way begins and ends with courtesy. Therefore, be properly and genuinely courteous at all times.

  2. Following the Martial Way is like scaling a cliff. Continue upwards without rest. It demands absolute and unfaltering devotion to the task at hand.

  3. Strive to seize the initiative in all things, all the time guarding against actions stemming from selfish animosity or thoughtlessness.

  4. Even for the martial artist, the place of money cannot be ignored. Yet one should be careful never to become attached to it.

  5. The martial way is centred in posture. Strive to maintain correct posture at all times.

  6. The martial way begins with one thousand days and is mastered after ten thousand days of training.

  7. In the martial arts, introspection begets wisdom. Always see contemplation on your action as an opportunity to improve.

  8. The nature and purpose of the martial way is universal. All selfish desires should be roasted in the tempering fires of hard training.

  9. The Martial Arts begins with a point and end in a circle. Straight lines stem from this principle.

  10. The true essence of the martial way can only be realized through experience. Knowing this, learn never to fear its demands.

  11. Always remember: In the martial arts the rewards of a confident and grateful heart are truly abundant.

Kumite - London Dojo - Kyokushin Karate

Keep your head low (modesty), eyes high (ambition), mouth shut (serenity); base yourself on filial piety and benefit others.

— The Kyokushin Ideal